Transmission Gratings: Visible & NIR 透射光柵:可見光和近紅外
This line of blazed transmission gratings was designed for optimum performance in the visible and NIR spectrum, offering different levels of dispersion. In most cases, the efficiency is comparable to that of reflection gratings typically used in the same region of the spectrum.
General Specifications |
Substrate material |
- |
Schott B270 |
Thickness |
- |
3mm nominal |
Dimensional tolerances |
- |
0.5mm |
Thickness tolerances |
- |
0.5mm |
Transmission Gratings - Visible |
Size (mm) |
12.7 x 12.7 |
12.7 x 12.7 (AR) |
25 x 25 |
25 x 25 (AR) |
30 x 30 |
30 x 30 (AR) |
50 x 50 |
50 x 50 (AR) |
12.5 x 25 |
12.5 x 25 (AR) |
25 x 25 |
25 x 25 (AR) |
Groove Spacing / Blaze Angle |
300 g/mm 17.5° |
3-9801 |
3-9901 |
3-9802 |
3-9902 |
3-9803 |
3-9903 |
3-9804 |
3-9904 |
3-9805 |
3-9905 |
3-9806 |
3-9906 |
600 g/mm 28.7° (VIS) |
3-9807 |
3-9907 |
3-9808 |
3-9908 |
3-9809 |
3-9909 |
3-9810 |
3-9910 |
3-9811 |
3-9911 |
3-9812 |
3-9912 |
600 g/mm 22° (VIS) |
3-9813 |
3-9913 |
3-9814 |
3-9914 |
3-9815 |
3-9915 |
3-9816 |
3-9916 |
3-9817 |
3-9917 |
3-9818 |
3-9918 |
830 g/mm 29.87° |
3-9819 |
3-9919 |
3-9820 |
3-9920 |
3-9821 |
3-9921 |
3-9822 |
3-9922 |
3-9823 |
3-9923 |
3-9824 |
3-9924 |
1200 g/mm 36.9° |
3-9825 |
3-9925 |
3-9826 |
3-9926 |
3-9827 |
3-9927 |
3-9828 |
3-9928 |
3-9829 |
3-9929 |
3-9830 |
3-9930 |
Transmission Gratings - NIR |
Size (mm) |
12.7 x 12.7 |
25 x 25 |
30 x 30 |
50 x 50 |
12.5 x 25 |
25 x 50 |
Groove Spacing / Blaze Angle |
300 g/mm 31.7° |
3-9201 |
3-9202 |
3-9203 |
3-9204 |
3-9205 |
3-9206 |
300 g/mm 24.8° |
3-9207 |
3-9208 |
3-9209 |
3-9210 |
3-9211 |
3-9212 | |